Medical Imaging Equipment Guide

News, advice and resources for extending the life of your medical imaging equipment: MRI, CT scanner, C-arm, digital X-ray and more

4 Most Common O-Arm Problems Solved

Nothing is more frustrating that having to pause your imaging workflow to find a solution to an...

Best Portable X-ray Machines in 2025

With the new year comes new demand for portable X-ray systems! We’ve put together a list of the...

How to Replace a Touchscreen on an OEC 9800

In this guide, we’ll walk you through replacing the touch screen assembly on an OEC 9800.

O-arm Door Won't Open? Here's a Quick Fix.

What do you do when your O-arm door is stuck in the closed position? While many people...

O-Arm E-Stop Won't Reset? Here's An Easy Fix.

Ever struggled getting O-arm system's E-Stop to reset? We've been there. And the good news is that...

How to Replace the X-Ray Tube on an OEC 9800

Replacing the X-ray tube on an OEC 9800 can be fast and painless with the right process and tools!...

Using A Medtronic O-Arm with a Broken Hand Switch

A common issue with O1 and O2 O-arm systems is a hand switch failure during a case. You press the...

How to Adjust the ABS on an OEC 9800

Adjusting the Automatic Brightness Stabilization (ABS) on your OEC 9800 is actually a fairly simple...

How to Replace Coin Cell Batteries in OEC 9900 SBCs

Proper maintenance often includes small but essential tasks like replacing coin cell batteries...

How to Connect an OEC 9900 & 9800 DICOM to PACS

Connecting an OEC 9900 and 9800 DICOM to PACS doesn't have to be difficult. We've put together a...

DARC1 vs. DARC2 vs. VDARC: CT Scanner Part Systems and Troubleshooting

Is your CT scanner’s performance dependent on a system you might not even know about?

Section 179 Record High Tax Deduction for Capital Equipment in 2024

After navigating years of fluctuating deduction limits, shifting value rates, and unexpected...

Top MRI Manufacturers Compared: Choosing the Best for Your Needs

Thousands of people have come to us with a wide variety of MRI needs and, depending on what those...

Is a c-arm rental the right fit?

If you are deciding between renting or purchasing a C-arm, it's worth asking: Could a rental better...

Comparing the Siemens Somatom Models

Siemens CT machines boasting a wide variety of options for varying budgets and uses. With the...

How to Get Maximum Value When Selling Refurbished Equipment

You’re a medical center that has been using the same MRI machine for over a decade. The latest...

What PET/CT scanners are good for detecting prostate cancers?

With prostate cancer being the second most common form of cancer for men in America, providing...

Why Buy Parts from Block Imaging?

Do any of the following scenarios sound familiar to you and your team of engineers? 

System Comparison: GE Innova 2100 IQ vs GE Innova IGS 520

In the cardiac cath space, small detector systems are the norm. For cardiac facilities who have the...

Why hospitals keep choosing R/F rooms despite the upfront investment

X-ray rooms come in all shapes and sizes, and one of the largest types is the R/F (radiographic...

The Most Common Questions About the GE OEC WiSP

Our phones have been ringing with customers who are interested in the innovative piece of...

In High Demand: The GE Optima 220 & 240 Portable X-ray Machines

While naming the best type of portable for you comes down to numerous factors like usage,...

The Best Refurbished PET/CTs ON The 2024 Market

When looking for new refurbished equipment on the market, it can be difficult to determine which...

From Mobile to R/F: Understanding Your X-Ray System Options

X-ray equipment is the most often used imaging equipment in the world behind ultrasound.


End of Life VS. End of Service: A Comprehensive Guide

“End of Life”.  "End of Service". Sounds intimidating right?


With shifts in reimbursement rates, regulations, and patient trends, maintaining control over your...

What size room do I need for a fixed X-ray system?

One of the most common questions we are asked when opening a new practice is, “What size room do I...

Cath Lab Overview – GE Innova IGS 520, 530, 540

What does the “IGS” stand for in the GE Innova IGS 520, 530, and 540? How do these systems compare...

Cath Lab Overview – GE Innova IGS 620 and 630 Biplane

The GE Innova IGS 620 is often used for cardiovascular and electrophysiology procedures. Its...

Cath Lab Overview – GE Discovery IGS 730 and 740

In today’s hospital cath lab environment, space is hard to come by. Ceiling space is being consumed...

CT Scanner Service Contract Price Guide

As a healthcare provider, ensuring your CT scanner operates smoothly is essential to providing...

OEC 9800 vs. OEC 9900

When it comes to choosing the right C-Arm for your medical facility, understanding the key...

Bi-Plane vs. Single-Plane Cath Labs

Embarking on your journey into the Cath Lab market can be exciting and overwhelming!

Maybe you've...

Cath Construction Guide

You’re at a crossroads. You’re in the process of buying the equipment to outfit your cath or angio...

Does My C-Arm Require Lead Shielding?

People frequently ask us what, if any, requirements have been set for X-ray shielding in rooms...

Mini C-Arm Pricing: A Comprehensive Guide

In the world of medical imaging, the quest for advanced capabilities often collides with budget...

How To Prepare for X-Ray Machine Installation

Any time your facility purchases X-ray equipment, there are some big, important steps that need to...

Cath Lab Installation Process: a Day-by-Day Walkthrough

Installing any piece of medical equipment is a challenge, but few modalities match the highly...

Do I Need a C-Arm or a Cath Lab?

As if the initial decision to open a surgical center wasn't big enough, those of you entering this...


Beyond the obvious size contrast, there are several key differences between mini-C-arm, full size...

Buying a PET/CT Scanner? 3 Questions to Guide Your Search

Jumping headlong into the market for your first PET/CT scanner often feels like stepping headlong...

Stationary vs. Rotating Anodes: Which Is Right for You?

The anode is a cornerstone of X-ray tube technology.

What Is 'Time of Flight' PET Scanning?

As with all modalities of imaging equipment, PET scanning is gradually moving in the direction of...

4 Common C-Arm Problems and Solutions

Equipment malfunctions are inevitable. 

Comparing GE Discovery PET/CT Scanners

Not sure which GE Discovery Pet/CT is right for you?

1.5T vs 3T MRI Comparison Guide

Information on the differences between 1.5T and 3T MRIs can be difficult to find. Our buyers often...

Correcting CT Scanner Streak Artifacts

Is there streak artifacts in in your CT scans?Streak artifacts can be reduced using newer...

Top CT Scanners [Manufacturers, Models, and Slice Counts]

Few things are more frustrating than punching in your search terms in Google and not finding what...

GE Optima CT: Models and FEATURES

Are you considering purchasing a GE CT scanner but feel overwhelmed by the options?

We’re to help!


What’s the difference between Cone Beam CT AND CT?

Curious about the differences between Cone Beam CT and CT?

You've come to the right place!

In this...

MRI Coil Cost Price Guide

Has your MRI coil failed and do you need to replace it?

MRI System Comparison: Open, Closed, and Wide-Bore

What are the differences between a Closed, Open, and Wide-Bore MRI?

1.5T MRI Machine Price Guide

You may have seen pricing as low as $150,000 for some 1.5T MRI machines. But once you factor in the...

What Is an MRI Quench?

Imagine a machine so powerful it could lift a car but instead, it's used to take amazing pictures...

GE 1.5T MRI Machines: Models and Reviews

A GE 1.5T MRI machine is a jack-of-all-trades system.


This informational guide is a resource for engineers to use when installing a wireless internet...

System Overview – GE Optima CL320i

As we continue our deep dive into the GE Cath labs, we wanted to briefly focus on the GE Optima...

System Overview – GE Optima CL323I Cath Lab

The world of GE Cath labs is full of numbers and letters that at first glance don’t mean much....

Sorting out the GE line of Cath Labs

The field of medical imaging equipment can be confusing. Sorting through the countless models,...

Siemens Biograph PET/CT Scanners CompareD

Not sure which Siemens Pet/CT is right for you?

Whether you're a seasoned professional or a...

Siemens Sensation CT vs. Siemens Emotion CT

Those in the market for a refurbished Siemens CT scanner know there are multiple systems and to...

Siemens 1.5T MRI Machine Models and Reviews

If you're on the hunt for a Siemens 1.5T MRI, you already know there are a number of models...


The popularity of Siemens wide-bore magnets has been unparalleled in the marketplace since 2005.

What Are The Best C-arms for Pain Management?

If you're starting a new pain management practice, or looking to add new equipment to your...

How To Find The Best Value In A Pain Management C-Arm

When you're selecting the right C-arm for your pain management practice, "Bells and Whistles" is...

Top 3 Reasons to Rent a Portable X-Ray

Portable X-ray systems are mainstays at hospitals, urgent care centers, and clinics alike. Many...

How Much Does It Cost to Relocate an MRI Machine?

Expanding? Remodeling? Moving? Whether down the hall or to another state, relocating an MRI machine...

How to Sell Your Used MRI Machine

A reliable MRI machine is a cornerstone modality for many hospitals and imaging centers.

Straton Z CT Tube Lifespan and Cost

When it comes to service and maintenance for a CT scanner, the most important item to keep tabs on...

How to Extend the Life of Your Toshiba Aquilion CT Tube

The X-ray tube is the single most expensive consumable part of a CT. It comes as no surprise,...

Floor-Mounted Cath Labs vs Ceiling-Mounted Cath Labs

In the world of Cath Labs, there is a plethora of options to choose from. Single plane vs....

Siemens Matrix Coils: What Are They And What Do They Do?

Traditionally, MRI coils simply name the body part they image, such as head coil, spine coil,...

How to Diagnose X-Ray Switch Errors for OEC C-Arms

Like any piece of medical imaging equipment, C-arms can experience errors and problems. You or your...

Common C-Arm Battery Problems and Solutions

Facilities that own one or multiple C-Arm systems should be aware that C-arms do not do well in...

How to Sell Your Hologic Bone Densitometer

When selling a piece of imaging equipment like a Hologic bone densitometer, details are everything.

OEC C-arm Serial Number Meaning

If you're in the market for an OEC C-Arm, chances are you're researching the model, image...

Top 4 Reasons to Upgrade from 2D to 3D Mammography

If you own a 2D Mammography system, chances are you've considered or have been approached with the...

How to Prepare Your MRI Room for RF Shielding

There is a long list of items to check off your MRI room list prior to buying and installing an MRI...

GE Cath Lab Networking Guide

Sorting through the GE Cath lab product line for the best system to meet your hospital or imaging...

Imaging Equipment Installation Dos and Don’ts

If you recently purchased a new to you piece of medical imaging equipment for your facility -...

RF Shielding for MRI Scanners: Copper vs. Galvanized Steel

If you're preparing for the installation of an MRI scanner at your facility, you're also preparing...

Three Types of X-Ray Tubes

If you’ve ever had a parts suppliers offer you a refurbished X-Ray tube for your CT, rad room, or...

How to Sell Your Hologic Selenia Dimensions Mammo Machine

Are you looking to sell your Hologic Selenia Dimensions digital mammography system? There are some...

Full Coverage Service vs. Preventative Maintenance Service

Imaging equipment service is not a one-size-fits-all proposition and often comes with many...

What service coverage should i get for my cath lab?

Interventional cath and angio systems are not only big investments, they're a cornerstone modality...

How Much Will it Cost to Refill Helium in my MRI Machine?

If you've owned or operated an MRI machine for even just a few years of the last decade, you know...

What Size Room Do I Need For My CT Scanner?

When buying a CT scanner, it can be difficult to get a proper estimate of all you’ll need to house...

Do I Need a Certificate of Need?

We get asked from time to time whether a mobile trailer for an interim rental has a CON. We have...

Hologic Dimensions and 3Dimensions AWS Preventative Maintenance

If your facility owns medical imaging equipment, you are no stranger to the importance of regular...

MRI Safety: How to Keep Patients & Personnel Safe

You may have heard of the recent MRI incident that occurred in a Northern California hospital. And...

Wheelchair Donations: Finding a Charity near You

If you're interested in donating a used manual or motorized wheelchair, there are several options...

C-Arm Size Comparison Guide

After you've made some C-arm decisions about image intensifier size, software packages, generator...

What Does 'End of Life' Mean for MRI Scanners?

If you own an MRI scanner, your original equipment manufacturer (OEM) has likely used the phrase...

What's the Difference Between a Cath Lab and an EP Lab?

One question we're asked on a regular basis about interventional radiology equipment is, "What's...

How to Choose the Best X-Ray Equipment for your Facility

Bringing a new (or new to you) X-ray system into an imaging facility can be an overwhelming...

Finding the 'Right' Serial Tag on Your Medical Imaging Equipment

If you’re hoping to sell a piece of medical imaging equipment you’ll need to gather a LOT of...

Philips FD 20 Version 7 Declared 'End of Support'

If you have a Philips FD 20 Version 7 cath lab in your facility, Philips has likely notified you...

What is a Cath Lab?

While modalities like CT and MRI are well known by most, systems like the cath lab fly a bit more...

PET/CT Market Valuations: Four Questions to Answer

New PET/CTs are usually one of the most expensive scanners in a hospital or imaging facility. Most...

GE Innova 2100, 3100, 4100 'End of Service': What's Next for Users?

If your team uses the GE Innova 2100, 3100, or 4100, you might have received a letter saying that...

Power Requirements for Hologic Selenia Digital Mammography

If your facility is preparing for its first Hologic Selenia digital mammography system,...

GE Innova Comparison: How is the new Innova IQ different?

Before we talk about the differences between the GE Innova Cath Lab and the GE Innova IQ, I beg...

Fuji Persona CS vs. OEC 9900: C-Arm Power Comparison

The Fuji Persona CS is an eye-catching newcomer to the C-arm market; and rightfully so. It boasts a...

GE Senographe Essential Digital Detectors: Lifespan and Cost Info

In most regards, the detector is one of the most important components on a digital mammography...

OEC 9900 Vascular vs. Ziehm Vision RFD: C-Arm Comparison

OEC and Ziehm are both big names in the C-arm game. You can count on either manufacturer to bring a...

Control-X C400 vs. GE Discovery 656

So, you're looking for high-quality, hospital-grade X-ray equipment; a rad room that can handle it...

The Current State of the X-Ray Tube Supply Chain

The X-ray tube market is not immune to the supply chain "pinch" being felt in almost every other...


If your facility uses a GE Discovery ST or STE PET/CT scanner , you've probably received a letter...

The State of the C-arm Market

By now, it's not news to anyone that nearly every sector of the global economy is in a state of...

OEC Elite CFD vs. Siemens Cios Alpha

OEC and Siemens are two of the biggest names among C-arm manufacturers. They both have a reputation...

QMAPP Hemodynamic Monitoring: What You Need to Know

For years, the options in hemodynamic monitoring have been somewhat limited, with the GE MacLab as...

Top Five Hologic Selenia Replacement Parts

If you’ve come across this blog, you're probably either a) assessing your parts risk in owning a...

What's Happening to CT & MRI Prices?

After all the disruptions, setbacks, and complications of the last two years, it's probably not a...

X-Ray Room Install: Should My Chest Stand Be Left or RightHand Loaded?

As you remodel or build a new space for your new X-ray system, one decision that can easily be...

Is Going Green Giving Your MRI Scanner Image Artifacts?

Pretty much everyone can agree that using energy more efficiently is a good thing. What some of us...

The Current State of the Section 179 Tax Deduction

After years of constant change- up and down deduction limits, shifting depreciation rates,...

How to Sell Your CT Scanner

Of all the modalities in the diagnostic imaging arena, CT has undergone, perhaps, the most...

CMS Announces New PCI Codes for Ambulatory Surgery Centers

This blog has been updated from its original posting, 11/6/2019

The big news for any ambulatory...

Philips Gemini GXL vs. Gemini TF PET/CT

The Philips Gemini PET/CT line is now three generations deep. From the Gemini Dual and 16 Power, to...

Hologic Dimensions: Bridging the 3D Mammography Gap

3D tomo mammography hasn't been FDA-approved for very long (about 10 years). Because of this, the...

How to Find and Clear Collision Errors on GE Innova Cath Labs

Any time objects begin to move from a fixed position, there's a risk of one of them running into...

How Much Does It Cost to Lease a Hologic Selenia?

The Hologic Selenia product line is a leader in the digital mammography modality, and rightfully...

Imaging Equipment Service: Cost vs. Quality

As important as it is to find service that works for your budget, it is equally important to make...

4 Questions to Find the Best MRI Sound System

A quality sound system has become a patient comfort standard in MRI suites. In light of the wide...

Performing a Daily QC Test on a Hologic Discovery Bone Densitometer

The following is a relatively quick and simple, but very important task for anyone owning or...

Top 5 Rarest Used MRI Scanners (and Best Substitute MRI Machines)

“You can’t always get what you want...” the Rolling Stones once sang, and though they probably...

OEC 9800 Parts and Service Costs

If you are considering purchasing an OEC 9800 C-arm, one of the biggest questions on your mind...

How to Tell if Your Aquilion 64 has a Spellman or SRU Generator

Toshiba Aquilion 64 CT scanners come with two different generator types: the SRU generator, or the...

Replacing Your OEC 9800 Skin Spacer

Given the mobile nature of a C-arm, it's bound to happen at least once in a system's life: the skin...

Jarrell IG vs. Westville IG for GE CT Scanners

The image generator (IG) module on your GE CT scanner is a vital part of the image reconstruction...

How to Choose the Best Vendor for Your MRI, CT, PET/CT, or Cath Lab

When the time comes to bring in a new imaging system, swap out an old one, or sell one to clear out...

Stereotactic Biopsy Table Price Cost Guide

If you're already serving mammography patients but are hoping to expand your breast cancer...

MRI Machine Valuations: The Most Important Questions to Answer

Many of the MRI machine valuation calls we receive are from people who have never had to try to...

Prone Biopsy Table Site Planning

If you're considering adding a prone stereotactic biopsy table to your department, you might be...

Capital Equipment Budget Cuts: Is PET/CT off the Menu?

If this year’s capital equipment budget originally included money for a new PET/CT system (likely...

1.5T MRI Suite Size Requirements

Most people have more than a few questions right out of the gate as they consider an imaging...

Siemens Avanto vs. Siemens Espree: MRI Comparison

As an elite MRI manufacturer, Siemens continues to create impressive technical advances in each new...

Radiofrequency Generator Price Cost Guide

When we talk to people who are looking to outfit a pain management practice, one of the questions...

How Long Will My Cath Lab Tube Last?

It's a question we've heard from cath lab equipment and parts buyers over and over: "How long can I...

QA Block vs. Spine Phantom for GE Lunar DEXA

All Lunar DEXA scanners come with (or should come with) two phantoms for system testing and...

OEC C-Arm Power Requirements

When we talk to buyers looking into their first C-arm purchase, we're commonly asked questions...

GE Lightspeed VCT 64 vs. Philips Brilliance 64

Both the GE VCT 64 and the Philips Brilliance 64 are prominent models from prominent players on...

Philips Allura FD10 vs. Allura FD20 Cath/Angio Comparison

The Philips Allura FD20 and FD10 may be similar in appearance at a glance, but they are very...

C-Arm Project Planning Checklist

Each year thousands of C-arm buyers from around the world seek out our help and advice when...

When Is Short-Bore MRI Too Short?

Over the last several years, MRI systems have continued to evolve and become more patient-friendly....

OEC 9800 Flat Screen Monitor Upgrades: Choosing the Best One for You

For the last several years, people have been looking for ways to continue using and even improve...

How to Sell Your DEXA System

Time for an upgrade? Thinking about changing your service offerings? Whatever the reason, you're...

How to Delete Patient Data on an OEC 9900 C-Arm

HIPAA compliance and limited onboard storage are part of the day-to-day reality of using a C-arm....

4 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Pre-Owned MRI Scanner

“It's kind of like buying a car” goes the cliché. In many ways, that’s true when buying pre-owned...

How to Change Batteries on an OEC 9800 or 9900 C-Arm

As anyone who owns a cellphone can tell you: batteries don't last forever! Even rechargeable...

Benefits of C-Arms for Swallow Studies

Traditionally, studies for dysphagia, aspiration, esophageal modality disorders, and other...

Siemens RFPA Failure? 4 Common Reasons Why and Solutions

In the world of MRI, radio frequency power amplifier (RFPA) failure is a relatively common problem....

Siemens Definition Series CT Scanners Compared

While Siemens is busy marketing and selling their latest CT scanners, the "SOMATOM go" series, the...

OEC C-Arms vs. Philips Pulsera C-Arms

Both OEC and Philips manufacture good C-arms. So, why do many prefer OEC? In our opinion, there are...

Hitachi Airis II vs. Airis Elite: Open MRI Compared

Looking over the wide landscape of secondary market MRIs, a couple of things become very clear:...

MRI Preventative Maintenance: 4 Points to Consider

Preventative maintenance (PM) is important for any MRI scanner. No service contract worth its salt...

OEC 9900 Hardware and Software Options

Just like the 9800 before it, the OEC 9900 is a C-arm that comes with a variety of hardware...

'ISO Certified' vs. 'ISO Compliant' for Imaging Equipment Vendors

With Block Imaging Parts & Service’s yearly ISO audit right around the corner, I am reminded of the...

CFR Tags on Used CT Scanners: What Are They & Why Are They Important?

When we are offered used CT scanners from countries outside the USA, we always ask "Do you have...

Siemens Novation X-Ray Tube: Lifespan, Signs of Failure, Replacement

If you use a Siemens Mammomat Novation, there's a P40 MOW-100G tube inside it producing your X-rays...

Mammography vs. Breast MRI for Breast Cancer Detection

A question we hear a lot is, “What’s the difference between buying a breast MRI versus a regular...

How to Find Software Options on a Siemens Sensation 64 CT

If you intend to buy or sell a used Siemens Sensation 64 (or any other CT scanner for that matter)...

Philips Gemini TF vs. Philips Ingenuity TF

In the continuous effort of medical imaging manufacturers to push their technology forward, improve...

Product Overview: Siemens Axiom Artis Interventional Lab

The Axiom Artis is one of the most prevalent product lines from Siemens in the interventional...

10 Reasons You Should Buy Refurbished Imaging Equipment

Still not totally convinced buying refurbished medical imaging equipment is a good idea? We'd like...

ISO Certified Medical Imaging Equipment Company? It IS a Big Deal

When you see “ISO Certified” on a medical imaging company’s website or marketing materials, you may...

How to Find the Software Version on Your OEC 9800, 8800, 6800, or 2800

If you use an OEC C-arm or urology suite, the time may come when you need to know your system's...

Hologic Selenia Detector Cost, Lifespan, and Replacement

A dependable digital mammography unit is the cornerstone of any women's health department. Among...

The Most Overlooked Factor in Medical Imaging Equipment Values

Medical imaging equipment values are driven by a variety of factors. The level of technology,...

Yes, a Used MRI Machine More Than Meets Your Needs

When buying an MRI, it's always best to seriously assess your needs before you commit a lot of...

How to Decide Which C-Arm Image Intensifier Size is Best: 9in vs 12in

The question, “Which C-arm image intensifier size is best for my facility?” comes up a lot in our...

GE LightSpeed VCT 64 vs. Siemens Sensation 64

When people hit the market for a 64-slice CT scanner, the GE VCT and the Siemens Sensation are two...

3 Reasons Why GE CT Scanners Cost More

I am regularly asked, "Why does a GE CT scanner cost so much more than the other manufacturers?" We...

INCOTERMS Explained for Buyers and Sellers of Imaging Equipment

Growing global connections is exciting... Trade barriers are falling and the world is your...

Medical Equipment Installation: What to Expect Post-Install

Now that your CT, MRI, or other medical imaging equipment has been installed, let us be among the...

CT Tube Lifespan: Akron B and Akron Q

If your facility uses or is considering a Siemens or Philips water-cooled CT scanner, you should...

X-Ray Equipment Service Cost Price Info

In a lot of ways, the X-ray machine is the cornerstone of the medical imaging field. From...

Siemens Avanto Body Matrix Coils: Function, Failure, Replacement

If your MRI scanner is a Siemens Avanto TIM system, your Body Matrix coil is a staple for cardiac...

Decoding the Megalix Cath/Angio X-Ray Tube

If your facility uses a Siemens cath/angio lab like the Axiom Artis, the Multistar, or the...

6 Best Practices for Patient Data Disaster Recovery

The wonders of technology have created a greater peace of mind for many medical offices and...

What Kind of Cath Lab Do I Need?

As you begin your search for a new cath lab, the number of choices and options can be overwhelming-...

How Much Can I Save with a Refurbished Cath Lab?

Most of us expect to pay much less for something that is refurbished than something that is new....

Stereotactic Biopsy Tables: Multicare Platinum vs Fischer MammoTest

As the world of breast imaging and breast biopsy continues to shift rapidly toward a single...

Which Portable X-Ray Systems Can I Rent?

Whether you're meeting an increased volume need, testing a market, or simply trying to shift some...

Cooling in the Cath Lab

A common mistake we see in the cath lab planning and construction process is not accounting for the...

Mammography System Removal: How to Prepare, What to Expect

So, you’ve decided it's time to sell your mammography system. You’ve found a buyer for the...

Air-Cooled CT Scanners vs. Water-Cooled CT Scanners

Inside every CT scanner gantry are dozens of specialized electronic components working very hard to...

5 Sure Fire Ways to Extend the Life of Your C-Arm Machine

On the one hand, C-arm machines seem to be very durable and are built to last. They get banged...

HIPAA Compliance Selling Medical Imaging Equip: Delete Patient Data

Anyone selling used medical imaging equipment needs to be proactive about maintaining HIPAA...

What Equipment Do I Need for CT Fluoroscopy?

CT Fluoroscopy, which is also referred to as CT-guided intervention radiology, combines X-ray...

Hitachi Airis Elite vs. GE Ovation: Open MRI Scanners Compared

Technology marches on but, with their low maintenance costs, high reliability, and proven track...

Choosing the Best Contractor for Your Medical Facility Construction

Just in case you were wondering, "Does it matter what contractor I choose for the build out of my...

Why Should I Buy Service Coverage for My C-arm?

When Block Imaging serves a customer on a C-arm purchase, we recommend that they also purchase a...

Preparing for Your Digital Mammography Project

At Block Imaging, we subscribe to the “measure twice, cut once” philosophy. Nothing is more...

GE Essential Mammo: X-Ray Tube Lifespan and Cost Info

As is the case with all equipment that uses X-ray technology, the X-ray tube on the GE Essential...

Orthoscan HD1000 vs Orthoscan FD

The two most recent additions to the Orthoscan mini C-arm product line, the Orthoscan HD1000 and...

Nuclear Camera Site Preparation

Preparing your facility to receive any new piece of medical imaging equipment can be a process with...

Is 64 the New 16? Standards of Care in CT Scanner Technology

The advancement of CT technology has traveled largely predictable paths over the last two decades;...

Solve Erratic OEC 9900 Lift Movements with These Two Parts

Are you standing in front of an OEC 9900 C-arm whose central column moves up... when no one is...