When it comes to service and maintenance for a CT scanner, the most important item to keep tabs on is the tube. On any CT, the tube is a part that will need to be replaced periodically and is coincidentally the most expensive part to replace.
If you're scanning with a Siemens Sensation 64, you're using Siemens' proprietary Straton Z tube.
Because Straton Z tubes are proprietary to Siemens and there are no alternatives from other tube manufacturers. This keeps the price on the higher side compared to other tubes. When you can find a used Straton, however, you can save a substantial amount.
Below, we'll share with you the average lifespan, average replacement cost, part number of the Straton Z CT tube, and how you can order a Straton Z CT tube.
Straton Z Average Life Expectancy
In the experience of our field service team and the CT users we interact with every day, a Straton Z tube typically lasts around 350,000 scan seconds.
In some instances, a Straton Z tube can last up to 500,000+ scan seconds.
If a facility scans a middle-range patient volume, this translates to approximately 2-3 years.
Straton Z Average Cost
Straton tubes are proprietary to Siemens and there are no alternatives from other tube manufacturers. This keeps the price on the higher side compared to other tubes. When you can find a used Straton, however, you can save a substantial amount.
Used Straton Z tubes (with a quarter of their life in usage) average between $75,000 and $90,000.
A tube with very low usage will average between $110,000 and $125,000.
How to Order a Straton Z CT Tube
The part number for a Straton Z tube is: 7737807.
The Takeaway
If your Straton Z is approaching the 350,000 scan-second mark or experiencing other warning signs of a tube failure, it's a good idea to begin looking for your next replacement.
Availability can sometimes be a challenge, given Straton Z's proprietary nature, but when used units are found, there are a lot of costs to be saved.
If you need a tube now or are simply being proactive in finding a supplier, Block Imaging can help. With 35,000+ parts in stock, tested, and ready to ship.
Connect with our parts team today, or visit our CT parts catalog.

Chad Seelye
Chad Seelye is Vice President of Part Sales for Block Imaging. He loves to offer parts solutions that get customers excited about doing more with their equipment for less. Outside of work, he loves to explore new areas with his wife. It doesn't matter where they are, as long as they've never been there before. Chad also loves all things MSU basketball and football.