By now, it's not news to anyone that nearly every sector of the global economy is in a state of upheaval. The C-arm market is no exception, which leaves facilities that are in search of new equipment with big questions about what to expect.
To help buyers navigate the next 9-12 months, we've listened to those questions and compiled our responses below. We know that our answers may not match up completely with how other C-arm providers are handling things, but we want to be clear about our approach and offer our readers a snapshot of what's going on.
The C-Arm Market in 2022
Is There a C-Arm Shortage?
News media has offered extensive coverage of shortages of electrical components in the auto industry. Those same shortages are affecting medical manufacturers too. Fewer components means fewer systems being built, which means a reduced supply. With brand new systems in shorter supply, more buyers are turning to refurbished systems, creating a "trickle-down" shortage effect.
While C-arm supply can be a challenge right now, there's no need to worry that the market has dried up. There are still refurbished systems to be had, though they may take a bit more time to be processed and delivered. Right now, our team is still taking and filling orders with only a 1-2 week increase in lead times.
Are C-Arm Costs Rising?
Yes, due to market conditions, C-arms in 2022 cost more than they did two or three years ago. Right now we're seeing increases of about 5% from pre-pandemic pricing. In spite of the increase, if you've been planning a C-arm purchase, we recommend proceeding with a provider soon. You may not be able to avoid the extra 5%, but the extra lead time will help your provider ensure you get the specific system you're looking for.
See Current C-Arm Price Ranges
How Is Block Imaging Responding to Market Conditions?
With all the fluctuations at play, the Block Imaging team is responding by increasing our capacity. We're building more bays in our Refurbishment Center and adding more engineers to our staff. With these measures, we are better able to keep lead times as low as possible. We can also help offset the lower availability and higher cost of new systems by offering a refurbished option.
The Takeaway
The current trends on the C-arm market are something of a "mixed bag". No one likes to wait longer or pay more for the tools they need. At the same time, there are providers who are doing what they can to minimize the effect of these increases on the medical imaging field.
If you have a current or upcoming equipment need, our team is happy to consult with you on timing your purchase to bring the very best value. Reach out to us to start the conversation!

Gary Dodge
Gary Dodge is a C-Arm Product Manager at Block Imaging. Gary loves to consult with buyers and help them find the best solution for their C-Arm needs. Outside of the office, Gary loves trying new kinds of ethnic cuisine and visiting the Smokey Mountains with his family.