May 3, 2019 : 1 min read
How to Delete Studies in Vieworks VXvue Software
If you use a Vieworks DR panel with VXvue software, you know how easy it is to capture and store images. But what do you do when you hit your workstation's maximum image capacity? Fortunately, VXvue offers options to delete studies automatically and manually. We'll show you how to do both in the pictorial guide below.
And if you're wondering what to do when you hit the 100-image capacity on your Vieworks panel, we can help you with that too.
A. Login as Admin (this is the first step for both automatic and manual deleting)
B. Click on the Setting Tab
C. Click on Study, then Study Delete
D. Under the Auto Delete box click on the box next to Enable so that there is a check mark in it. Choose the options you would like – for example delete all images that are older than 12 weeks and process at 4am.
E. Click Update
F. Manually delete studies that are older than the amount of time chosen in the options on auto delete
G. Under Search Date, choose the dates to show all the studies for, click search
H. Click on the studies using the shift key to highlight them
I. Click Delete
J. When the screen below pops up, put in the admin password you used to login, then click OK
Once the system is done deleting the studies you selected, you’re done!
The Takeaway
Thanks to the work of the developers behind VXvue software, most of the settings and processes in it are intuitive and user-friendly; just a few steps like the ones you see here. If you need a nudge in the right direction, however, the team here at Block Imaging is well-versed in VXvue and would be happy to help. Use the button below to let us know what you need and request DR support.

Mackenzie Dryer
Mackenzie Dryer is a Technical Operations Lead at Block Imaging. Her goal is to ensure internal operations between project management and engineering run smoothly, with the goal of delivering excellence to clients. When she’s not helping move imaging projects along, Mackenzie can be found traveling with her family, reading, or performing in musical theatre.