In the world of pre-owned MRI systems, there are many options with wildly varied pricing. If you’re new to MRI, and you’re trying to keep your initial costs low, it's sometimes difficult to decide exactly what will meet your imaging needs and provide you with positive cashflow, low maintenance, and low downtime.
The Siemens Symphony is an extremely popular choice in all of those areas and has been in operation worldwide for years. At Block Imaging, it's considered an “always in stock” item and we love working with them. However, if you’d like a system that’s just a bit newer and has some great technical features, but don’t want to spend the money necessary to purchase the absolute latest technology, the 8-channel version of the Siemens Symphony might be the right choice for you. Here are 3 reasons why:
The Case for 8-Channel Siemens Symphony MRI
A Perfect Entry Level 8-Channel MRI
The 8-channel Symphony combines the cost savings of buying used equipment with the imaging advantages of going 8-channel. If you do a lot of brain scans you’ll benefit from the enhanced image quality and speed of acquisition provided by the Symphony's 8-channel head array coil. This technology allows for 8 signal paths to be processed at the same time, which can shorten your acquisition time and gives you more signal for less “noise” in your studies.
Costs Less than Half of Other Siemens MRIs
Sure, the Avanto is an excellent MRI system, and the Espree has a 70cm bore, but if you’re trying to lower your start-up costs or just have a limited budget, the 8-Channel Symphony is going to get you great image quality, Siemens Syngo technology for a consistent interface across multiple modalities, and loads of great options at a fraction of the cost. On top of that, Symphony systems are still in use worldwide, so if you want to upgrade in a few years after establishing your business – call us and we can help!
Reliability and Support
The Siemens Symphony has been around for over 15 years and enjoyed widespread use. Because of this, parts and support are widely available on the secondary market, and there are very good independent service organizations around the world who can install and maintain these systems.
The Takeaway
If this sounds like a direction you’d like to take your imaging business, call us! We regularly stock Siemens MRI systems of all kinds, including the 8-channel Symphony and can get you all the information you need to get started.

Steve Rentz
Steve Rentz is the Product Manager for MRI Scanners at Block Imaging. Steve's goal is to earn each customer's trust and business by specifically addressing the needs of their unique project. When Steve is not helping customers with their MRI needs, he enjoys running, swimming, and woodworking.