GE AMX IV Plus vs. Source-Ray SR130: Portable X-Ray Comparison

When it comes to portable X-ray, the GE AMX series is almost a "household" name at hospitals across the US and a number of other countries, and rightfully so. The AMX has proven itself reliable and functional for quite some time. Why then, are we taking the time to suggest that some of our customers might find a different product to be a better choice for their portable X-ray needs? 

Frankly, just like pretty much every other kind of imaging equipment in the world, there really isn't a "one size fits all" solution. For those of you who may not be scanning patients in a traditional hospital setting, we submit for your consideration:

AMX IV Plus vs. Source-Ray SR-130 

The Overview


  AMX IV Plus SR-130
Power Source Rechargeable Battery Wall Outlet
Output 12.5 kW 3.0 kW
Calibration Field engineer required On-site staff
Parts Avail. Must order Spare parts kit avail.
Service Avail. Field engineer required On-site staff
Size 1300 lbs. (with battery) 100 lbs.
Durability Heavy-duty, reinforced Lighter, thinner materials
Price $17,000-22,000 (refurb./wrnty.) $19,000-24,000  


Where the AMX IV Plus Wins

If your portable X-ray will live in a hospital or high-volume clinic, the AMX IV Plus has several features that make it more suitable for these environments. Its more powerful generator gives you the flexibility to use it on larger patients. The battery power source allows the unit to perform a large number of scans without having to be plugged in. This feature is especially useful when patient counts are high. The overall durability of the unit is commensurate with the amount of movement and usage it would see in an average metropolitan hospital. We see many AMX machines over a decade old that function and maneuver perfectly and show only cosmetic signs of wear. 

Where the SR-130 Wins

If you intend to use your portable X-ray unit in a homecare setting, the size, weight, and collapsible design (see pic below left) of the SR-130 make it a more logical choice. The SR-130 may also be the best choice for facilities in remote or rural areas where service coverage is harder to find. The overall simplicity of the unit's design and its optional spare parts kit (see pic below right) allow for many repairs to be completed by on-site staff without the added downtime and expense of relying on outside engineering personnel.











The Takeaway

There's not really any one portable X-ray unit that's a perfect fit for every situation, but there are great options that can accommodate the needs of the studies you perform most often. Taking the time to do your homework and weigh what the market has to offer against your usage habits and budgetary situation should clarify which unit will serve you best.

If neither of the scenarios above sounds quite like your individual set of applications, we'd love to talk through your needs with you and help you make the best portable X-ray pick for your facility. Contact us to speak with one of our X-ray experts.

Picture of Clay Selby

Clay Selby

Hello, I'm Clay, and I joined Block Imaging in 2021. I enjoy learning something new everyday about our industry and our customers. Block has an incredible work environment that fosters innovation and allows us to create unique solutions for our customers. Outside of work I love playing and watching sports, collect watches and drink craft coffee.