- Our Mission -
People Matter
The Block Imaging team has rallied around our mission, People Matter, since 2012. It’s our company’s mission, but it’s so much more. Keep reading to learn more about what People Matter means for our team and our customers.
More Than Words...
At Block Imaging, our mission statement isn't a trite slogan or just something that hangs on a wall when you walk into headquarters. The words People Matter guide everything we do and say.
We hope you feel it when you walk through our facility or engage a member of our team for anything from buying a piece of equipment or parts or asking for help with a service contract. People Matter lies at the core of who we are. It guides the strategies we set for our business and the way we serve and connect with healthcare providers globally. It extends beyond the walls of Block Imaging, impacting the patients our customers treat and guiding the way we show up for our families and our community.
We've seen the power of putting people first. Amazing things happen when we treat people like they matter more because they do. They matter more than money, more than things, more than success or market share.

Making an Impact on the World
Whether our team is servicing an MRI system in Florida, cleaning up a park near our headquarters in Michigan, or simply connecting with a customer, the People Matter mission guides our work.


I see our team living out People Matter every day. More than pitching in to help a coworker. I see it when people are treated with honor. That people care more about the person than their title or occupation.
Share Your People Matter Story
How has our mission impacted you and your community? We'd love to hear stories about the impact of the People Matter mission across the globe!
Share Your Story