Kenn Dextrom

Kenn Dextrom is the Director of Product Manager at Block Imaging. He aims to provide clear direction and careful planning for Interventional Cath Lab buyers and working with the Block Imaging product team to provide excellent solutions for our customers. Out of the office, he spends most of his time keeping up with his wife and their three energetic sons.

GE Innova 4100 vs Philips FD20 Interventional Lab Comparison

If you're researching interventional labs, you'll see almost immediately: two of the hottest...

Choosing Hemodynamic Monitoring for Your Cath Lab System

When you're making plans to introduce a cath lab at your facility, some details have a tendency to...

What Happens During Cath Lab Refurbishment?

When speaking with customers about “refurbished cath labs” there are often questions about what the...

What Is 'Unistrut' & Why Does My Medical Facility Need It?

If your facility is going to have medical imaging equipment installed, and that equipment has any...

The Best Cath System for an Office-Based Lab

When looking to purchase a cath lab for your office-based lab (OBL) facility there are a lot of...