OEC Brivo C-arm
C-ARM Full Size C-arm
Tri-mode 9”/6”/4.5” image intensifier
1k x 1k x 16 bit image processing
Automatic & manual digital brightness and contrast control
Edge enhancement
Negate mode
Save and auto-save
Swap and auto-swap
Last image hold
Zoom and roam
Left-right image reversal
Top-bottom image invert
Digital Image Rotation
40kHz high frequency
High resolution 1k x 1k CCD camera
On-screen collimator position indication
PreView iris collimator
PreView tungsten rotatable double leaf collimator
Adjusts collimators without X-ray exposure
kVp range: 40 -110
mA range: 0.1 - 4
Carbon fiber grid reduces scatter radiation effect while improving image detail
User interface with touch screen can help reduce procedure time and improve efficiency
410° radial rotation
120° orbital rotation
25° wigwag with quick angle guide
78 cm free space and lateral height of 102 cm
100,000 Internal static image storage.
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